Sunday, August 21, 2011


“At the end of the winter of 1996, something historic occurred. During that February in India, the First World Conference on Urine Therapy took place. Scholars around the world gathered together to discuss the age-old practice of "urine therapy." Although urine therapy had been around for thousands of years, it had fallen into obscurity over the last century. Now, urine therapy was officially back in business. So what exactly was this alternative practice that dealt with one’s own bodily fluid? And how does it help? What are the claims of effectiveness? What does the scientific and medical world have to say about it? How does it work? Does it work? These, were the questions that demanded discussion.”  (source:

Eating  tong zi dan  (Boy Egg) is a fashion in Dongyang China.  It is prepared almost like balut  in the Philippines but the raw eggs in Dongyang are boiled in urine collected from pre-puberty aged boys in the elementary grades.   

Urine which is a by-product of blood filtration is sterile and normally non-toxic.   It is purer than distilled water and contains thousands of compounds, vitamins, and nutrients which are excreted by the body as excess, not wastes.  It is antibacterial, antiviral, anticonvulsive, and anti-cancer.    

Urine therapy has been catalogued in ancient medical journals of Egypt, China, and India, and the Aztecs of the Americas.   ‘According to the French chemist Fourcroy, "urine of man has furnished the most singular discoveries of chemistry and self healing in modern medicine and pharmacology".’

‘The list of diseases for which urine therapy is said to be effective is around 175 known diseases’  -   from canker sore, to allergies, to cancer, to kidney and heart diseases, to viral infections, AIDS/STD. to skin rejuvenation and fertility.  The pharmaceutical company Serono has been extracting ovulation-enhancing hormone from urine for its top line fertility drug  Pergonal  which is earning millions for the company since 1994.  Pergonal hit the market first followed by other brands like Repronex,  Bravelle, Menopur, Gonal-F, Follistim, and Premarin or the pregnant mare urine.

What happens when you consume your own Urine?
Toxins found in urine are not enough to harm the body.  Taken in, urine doesn’t go directly into the blood stream but follows the system of digestion/ingestion wherein useful ingredients circulates the body and the toxins are flushed out.  Being a ‘by product of blood it becomes more purified as it is recycled’,  therefore,the cleaner the blood the cleaner is the urine.’

Pre-Therapy Information
Morning urine is the best.  A diet low in salt and protein is recommended and eating lots of fresh fruits and veggies make urine smells healthier and tastes milder.  Strong herbs and spices make urine smells strong.  When the body is sick, it looks awful and taste bad.

Urine therapy is beneficial if the diet contains no alcohol, tobacco products, coffee, and junk foods.  If you can’t live without meat, try limiting your choice to fish and fowl, free of hormones.  Avoid processed and radiated foods, foods with refined flour products, white sugar, white rice, and also foods with colorings and flavor enhancers to lessen acidity in the body.   

Gargling undiluted mid-stream urine fights gum problems or other month and tongue disorders.  Toothaches disappear quickly and teeth stay healthy.

Give at least 2 days break after stopping medication from treatment before commencing a Urine therapy.  In case there is swelling of tissues of the legs, abdomens, hands, with water, one should consult first an experienced urine therapist or a doctor before starting a urine therapy.   It is advisable to refer first to an experienced therapist when doing urine therapy for kidney, bladder, and urethra infections.  Urine with pus should be discarded.

The Homoeopathic Urine
A final possibility is to use urine in homoeopathic form. The simplest way to prepare it is as follows:

To one teaspoon of non-chlorinated water add one drop of fresh urine. Shake it vigorously in a small bottle about 50 times with a sharp downward stroke. One drop of this mixture is then added to another teaspoon of water, shaken again and then the whole procedure repeated a third time. Place 3 drops under the tongue several times daily. When it is used up, wait a few days and then prepare a new homoeopathic remedy.

An alternative method is even simpler and recommended as an introduction to urine therapy and at times when cupfuls of urine are not tolerated.

To 1 tablespoon of morning urine add 4 or 9 tablespoons of non-chlorinated water. Shake 50 times with a sharp downward stroke, and take a spoonful several times during the day; keep in the mouth for a minute before swallowing.

Martin Lara ( developed a ‘universal remedy’ supposedly effective against all microbes. Dilute 2 drops of urine with 1 tablespoon of non-chlorinated water. During an infection keep one drop of this under the tongue every 2 hours.

Homoeopathically energised remedies should not be exposed to strong magnetic or electromagnetic fields. Keep this urine remedy only lightly covered in a cool place but not in an electric refrigerator, and make up fresh daily.

Urine Therapy - It has cured people
A woman spent 30 years of her life suffering from a variety of illnesses including years of almost non-stop illness. She had pelvic inflammatory disease, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, Hashimoto's disease, mononucleosis. She had severe chronic kidney infections, two miscarriages, chronic cystitis, severe candida, and endometriosis. No doctor could cure her, surgeries did not heal her. She was doomed to live a life filled with suffering. Now, because of urine, she lives a rich and full life and is disease free. Her name is Martha Christy and after she recovered she wrote a book called, "Your own Perfect Medicine"

John Armstrong had an "incurable" case of tuberculosis, which he cured by fasting on water and urine for 45 days. He wrote a book called "The Water of Life" He supposedly cured 1000's of others using the same method.

What I can tell you for sure about urine therapy is it has powerful healing properties. It also may not work in some cases, but I feel confident that many issue's can be healed through urine.

There are two main ways to take your urine.

Caution: If you're taking antibiotics or not, it is up to you to judge whether either urine treatment is safe or not, I honestly do not know. And remember the wise saying, "The worse it tastes... The better it is for you." Cheers!

The Universal Remedy is an autotherapuetic homeopathic mixture.
  1. In a small bottle with a dropper mix and shake well:
  2. Two drops of urine and one tablespoon of water
  3. Take at least every two hours, for at least 48 hours. Except when your sleeping.

The Gulp it down technique involves drinking as much urine as you like.
  1. Take it from the middle of the stream
  2. flavor with your favorite fruit juice, or have it plain.

It is better to be a urinolic than alcoholic.  Happy drinking your Urine!


Catholic Philippines will have its new Mass Missal in December 2012.  The missal the 3rd Revision of the Liturgy by Vatican II is undergoing translations into world languages base on the Latin text.  Among the first users of the New Missal are the parishes of the United States starting the 1st Sunday of Advent in November this year. 

There are changes in the new Missal just as there are rediscoveries on it too.  It is noted that a good number of new texts are actually extant text from older editions of the St. Joseph’s Daily Missal of 1959.  A good example on this is the Latin phrase et cum Spiritu Tuo, which is rendered more accurately now as:  “And in your Spirit.”  The restored phrase replaces:  “And also with you.” 

In the Consecration, the word cup in the “… cup of my blood…”  is thrown out  and replaced with the word chalice to conform to the Latin calix.   It now reads “…the chalice of my blood…”  which is accurately rendered into vernacular Cebuano:   “… ang kalis sa akong dugo…”

Will the Cebuano translators re-affirm the present phrase  “Ma-anaa usab Kanimo”  for the Latin et cum Spiritu Tuo?   Or will they render it literally this time as:  “Ug diha sa imong Espiritu?”   

Many new prayers make up the 3rd revision with assurances that they accurately express the truth about God, the World, and the conditions of humanity today.  Short word changes are also in place to achieve full conformance to "the original form and rite of the Holy Fathers."  

The current phrase:  “One in being with the Father”  in the Nicene Creed for the Latin consubstantialem Patri appears differently in the new missal.  It now reads:  “consubstantial with the Father” which is a little awkward.  The translators say that the word is the product of long and difficult years of debates and martyrdom in the Church:

“…….consubstantial, is crucial to helping us understand the relationship between the Father and the Son. If the word causes some head scratching, that’s OK, as long as that head scratching leads to people asking what the word means and why it’s important.” – Paprocki, Loyola Press

Filipino Liturgist Fr. Anscar Chupungco, OSB, says:  Comprehension of the meaning of liturgical prayers and other formulas is necessary for active participation as desired by the Second Vatican Council.”   He is calling for a country-wide re-education of Catholics in the parishes into the meaning and spirit of the new translation to deepen personal attachment to the Mass.  

Scriptural passages are copied verbatim in the 3rd revision, in chunks or by pairs like this passage in Luke 2:14 of the Gloria:  “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to people  of good will…“  

The older translation in the Agnus Dei:  “Behold the Lamb of God, behold him who takes away the sins of the world….”  is now back, paired with words taken from Revelation 19:9  “Blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb…”.

And Praise God, the undying words of the Centurion in Matthew 8:7-9 is in the missal again:  “Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.”

Finally, the announcement of the Pater Noster gets a facelift with new words:  “At the Savior’s command and formed by divine teaching, we dare to say:  ‘Our Father ….etc..’”  

These are just few of the many gems of the revised Roman Missal which is reformed and rediscovered by Vatican II.  It is true God can change His Mind yet He remains the same.  The paramount question remains:  Are we still celebrating the same Holy Mass of the martyrs and the saints?  

I still love the solemnity of the Tridentine Latin Mass.  ”Ite, Missa est.   Deo gratias.”


"In my Parish in Minglanilla, Cebu there is this man who goes from one communion line to another.  He receives one in the tongue and another in the hand."   (tayaonglapis.blogspot).

“We lined up to pee in a toilet and on our way back to Church, I cleaned my hands with garden soil since all the faucets were dried up.  My friend received communion in the hand; I did mine on the tongue.  I never saw him clean his hands after he zipped it in.”  (Shared by a friend).

In Holland, some students were conducting a flourishing trade in consecrated Hosts, thanks to Communion given in the hand. They collected them and arranged them on the wall, like butterflies. About 200 Hosts were found, transpierced in this manner…” (President of the Parish, F.E.A.G.).

“In a restaurant, some young people cut a Host into pieces to see if the Blood would run, then they threw it into the toilets.” (from the Proprietor, November 1969).

Incidences like these are shared by countries where Communion in the Hand or CITH has been allowed with permission from the Holy See.   In 2009, Manila Archbishop Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales has urged communicants to receive communion in the hand to minimize the spread of the swine virus. With the threat gone, the practice should have been lifted.  CITH is fast becoming a fad in the Philippine archipelago but without the required permission from Rome.
No INDULT for the Philippines
The Second Vatican Council never really authorized the practice of Catholics receiving Communion in the Hand. It was "introduced abusively and hurriedly in some spheres" and authorized only years later by the Vatican.  CITH was introduced in Belgium (1965) by Leo Josef Cardinal Suenens “in disobedience to the rubrics of the Church.”  But instead of castigating a brother bishop, Pope Paul VI took a late stance to save a colleague and the Church.  In his Memoriale Domine (Instruction on the Manner of Administering Holy Communion) in 1969, the Supreme Pontiff authorized CITH but only as an ‘alternative’  not  a replacement of the traditional Communion on the Tongue.  

With the Instructions out, modernist clergies wasted no time applying for the INDULT – a special permission from the Holy See to implement CITH in their dioceses with the oath to protect the sanctity of the Real Presence of Christ in the Host.   Sixteen countries got the indult in 1977 but not the Philippines.  The Holy Father gambled in "leaving the care of the Sacrament to the prudence of the bishops" who are supposed to protect the sanctity of the host and to report all violations thereat.

CITH now has taken its toll and it is growing by the numbers.  Communicants are taking the host home to be used as amulet or charm placed in the family altar unaware that doing so is a sacrilege.  The Body of Christ is not supposed to be touched or kept but only consumed at once.

Pope Paul VI has said: "It (CITH) carries certain dangers with it which may arise from the new manner of administering Holy Communion: the danger of a loss of reverence for the august sacrament of the altar, of profanation, of adulterating the true doctrine." Mother Teresa of Calcutta confirmed her preference to receive communion by tongue: “Wherever I go in the whole world, the thing that makes me the saddest is watching people receive Communion in the hand."

In his time, Pope John Paul II had a sign posted at St. Peters specifying that ALL priests celebrating Mass there were to give Communion only on the tongue.  Concelebrating priests were also told to do the same.  Communion on the tongue remains the Law of the Church and the Apostolic See has urged bishops, priests, and laity to submit to the law.  And Pope Benedict XVI also gives holy communion only by the tongue with the communicant kneeling down.

Communion on the tongue (and to receive it kneeling down) is the preferred way of the Church. “The Apostolic See therefore vehemently urges bishops, priests and laity to carefully submit to the law [Communion on the tongue] which is still valid and which has again been confirmed.”   In fact communicants who desire to have it this way are urged to report the matter to the Archbishop if the bishop or priest in their community refuses to administer the Sacrament to them.  And they are advised to receive spiritual communion in the meantime.

Cuddling the Resurrected Christ in the hand is a sacrilege and am not ready to take the risk!

[You may receive Communion in the tongue (the old way if you say so) at the Archdiocesan Shrine of Nuestro Padre Jesus Nazareno Talisay City, Cebu.]

Friday, August 19, 2011


On a Sunday morning the Parish Choir sung a melodious song of praise. I happily sing along hoping that my friend Roman who was beside me at the pew would open his mouth and say Yahweh.   Yahweh in the Bible is the Friend who directed Abraham into the desert to relocate Hagar and Ishmael away from Sarah and Isaac.  He is the God of Jacob or Israel.  He introduced Himself to Moses, as Ehyeh,  the Divine with many names (like Elyon, Hashem, Elroi, Shaddai, Adonai)  among the posterity of Abraham.

The Europeans gave Him a stronger name Jehovah, an English name most common in the Kings versions of the Bible, along with another un-Semitic English word God.

What is the name of God?  
Addressing this query to a group of believers, with my friend Roman, would reveal the difference of unity.

A Jew will say He is Yahweh/Elohim 
A Christian will say He is Jehovah An Arab Christian will say He is Allah A Muslim will also say He is Allah
But my friend Roman, who is a Roman Catholic by birth, is a performer.  First, he does a stare.  Then he turns his face to the left, to the right and stares again.   He does a toddler’s smile and a sound Ahhhhhh— to invite someone to save him. 

Roman is a believer in One Deity with three personalities- Father, Son, and Spirit.   He is not sure or he really doesn’t know what the Father’s name is but is quick to give the Son’s name- Jesus.   He knows nothing about the Spirit’s name.

I was praising Yahweh with the Church Choir so the biblical Name of the Creator may reverberate beyond the walls of the Church with the crowd.  But like Roman, the people opted for silence, unmoved by the majesty of the song.  If only they knew better – there could have been a tremendous roar of Praise to the One God of All the Prophets and Saints in that morning Mass!

What could be the reason or reasons why many Roman Catholics could not or would hesitate to declare Yahweh or Jehovah as God’s name?

Well, it took hundreds of years for the Roman Church to catholicize Christians into the dogma that the One God has three distinct and co-equal personalities.  The Trinity is never mentioned in the Bible but specialized catholics would insist it is there between the lines.   The God of the Hebrews have been called by many names (and titles) in the Semitic tongue as El, Ilah, Eloh, Alah but YHWH is the only proper name of God in the Jewish Tanakh or the O.T. Bible.

YHWH is the English transliteration of the 4-letter Hebraic word Yod-Heh-Vav-Heh:  יהוה  also transliterated from the Canaan-Phonecian tongue (the Ancient Hebrew) mentioned in Isaiah 19:18 as the Language of Canaan.  It is the “archaic third person singular imperfect of the verb to be.  It is also written as YHVH, or JHVH  - meaning He is, without a sound and without vowels.

Ehyeh (pronounced aye-ah) the name revealed by God unto Moses is  “considered by many rabbinical scholars to be a first person singular of  YHWH” therefore, I am.

Sometime between the 6th and 7th century, “Jewish textual scholars devised symbols to represent the vowels to arrive at a common pronunciation in their writing system.”   And YHWH was given a new perspective in English as Yahwah, Yahowah , and finally Yahweh.

The Anglicized form of YHWH which is JEHOVAH is an invented name or at least is the name used first by a Dominican monk in Spain named Ramon Marti in 1270 CE,” in his book, Pugio Fidei (Dagger of Faith), almost 700 years before Charles Taze Russell and a group of Bible Study Students adopted the name JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES.  Charles was the first president of the Watch Tower Society.

Public use of YHWH is punishable by death so that in time, its correct pronunciation has been lost from Jewish memory.   The Jews instead use secondary names Adonai or Elohim in reading the scriptures in their rituals.    

The name Alah/Allah has been a name of a pagan deity in Arabia before Islamic times.   It is derived from the same Semitic origin as Elohim and is the personal name of God for both Muslims and Arabic-speaking Christians.   Allah al Ab means God the Father and Mary is called Om Allah or Mother of God.  Allah al Ibn is God the Son (Jesus or Isa) and the Holy Spirit is called Allah Al Ruh al Qudush.

Is God a Name?
GOD is what God is just as human being is what you are” – hence God is not God’s Name.

The exact history of the word  God  is not known.  It is a relatively new European invention and the Catholic Encyclopedia has it this way- “Anglo-Saxon  God; German Gott; akin to Persian khoda; Hindu khooda)”  along with the remark: “the name sometimes applied to an idol as the image or dwelling-place of a god.” 

Miracle of Tongues
My friend Roman has not seen the light of all these names.   In his catechism days, he never heard Yahweh mentioned.   Each time that Jehovah’s witnesses visit their home, his Mom would instruct him to say:  “We are not here.”   And Muslims do not sell Islam to Roman’s family only watches, perfume, and rags. 

Yet in God’s own time, Roman now is singing Yahweh hymns with the Choir.  Introducing the languages at Babel, God divided humankind into nations and tribes.  In compassion, He gathers them all to Unity as He disposes.   He purifies translations and transliterations, like prayers, so that humanity in all ages may glorify Him, His Name, His Attributes without ceasing.  Amen. 

Monday, August 15, 2011


Gospel-writer St. Luke has provided us a detailed description of one of the greatest stories of all time – the Story of Two Women who miraculously conceived almost at the same time. Although St. Luke didn´t categorically call it a miracle, we cannot forever hide the fact that the circumstances were outside the scope of science – therefore a miracle!

In Chapter 1 of his evangelium St. Luke has given us the following details:

-That Zechariah and Elizabeth were advanced in years and that Elizabeth was barren.  (i.e. the couple could no longer have a baby on there on.)

-That Mary was still a virgin when betrothed to a certain Joseph.  She was doing Temple services perhaps as a helper or an attendee in a church.

-That a Heavenly Messenger informed the Priest Zechariah that his wife Elizabeth shall bear him a son - John.   The same messenger also informed Mary she shall conceive and give birth to a son - Jesus.

-That John was great before the eyes of the Lord and Jesus is to be called the son of the Most High.

-That John has had the Holy Spirit from the womb and this same Spirit did overshadow Mary too. 
It is believed that John was conceived in the same manner as Jesus and the timing of the Holy Spirit is the point of their conception.  The cousins became righteous right in those moments.

-That Zechariah doubted the good news;  Mary humbly accepted.

Miraculous, Yes
Elizabeth was barren and medically speaking she had an infertile and atrophied ovary. This means that there was no chance for an ovum to be present in the ovary.  The ovum is the female egg cell for sexual reproduction.

In the case of Mary the sperm was totally absent from the ovary since she was a virgin with no premarital union with any man. The sperm is the male reproductive cell that fertilizes the ovum to form the human organism. 

The conception of John and Jesus were miraculous but no one miracle is greater than the other.
The Greater Miracle
Adam was created from a molded clay and formed into a man after God breath in life into it. Eve was created quite differently - from a part of Adam´s rib case. And Melchizedek, the high priest of Salem, was born without parents (Hebrews 7:3). The creations of Adam and Eve (also Melchizedek’s) did not involve any human agency at all like a father or a mother, like a womb, an ovum or a sperm.   The creation of Adam and Eve (and Melchizedek) therefore were far greater miracles than that of Jesus and John.
 Glory be to the Most High God!