Thursday, December 22, 2011


What is Sodium, What is Salt
While sodium is a mineral, table Salt is a manufactured salt (sodium chloride).  It is a drug, it mimics the taste of natural sea salt.   We need salt for seasoning and sodium for good health.   Salt stops bacterial growth in meat and is a superior preservative.   Manufactured salt is toxic with chemicals like sodium solo-co-aluminate, sodium bicarbonate, fluoride, anti-caking agents, potassium iodide and aluminum derivatives.  It is bleached with Chlorox to make it snow white.  

What makes Iodized Salt Bad
Natural salt which is loose and chunky comes off-white, brown or pink.  It is the kind of salt recommended by health experts to minimize the risk of many diseases especially HBP.  Too much Salt in the body burdens the liver, aggravates kidney problems, increases water retention (edema) and causes reddening of eyes. 

It is true that the use of iodine fortified salt has greatly reduced incidences of goiter and dwarfism and the base salt has always been from rock crystals or sea water.  But times have changed along with, bribery, cost cutting processes and of course the use of sodium chloride as iodized salt.

What says about SALT today:
“This salt that’s being consumed today is really nothing but crude oil extract – a gift from the Rockefeller-owned petroleum industry.  When oil workers are digging for oil in the earth, the digging leaves a flaky residue……. It would actually cost the petroleum or oil industry millions of dollars to dispose of this toxic waste product, but the Rockefellers bribed the food industry and the federal government into allowing them to convert it (crude oil extract) into a chemical food additive called table salt….”

“However, the initial crude oil extract-based salt of the oil industry actually destroyed
the thyroid gland, which is primarily comprised of iodine, and which regulates growth
(as well as metabolism). So to help prevent iodine deficiency-related pathologies and abnormalities due to salt consumption, the salt industry started to iodize its salt….., this synthetic iodine is very poisonous! 

Food seasoning used in Chinese food, is made of sugar and salt and MSG or mono-sodium-glutamate, a cancer causing agent.  This too must be avoided or  replaced with natural salt alternatives made from herbs, seaweeds, and spices which is available in the Philippines at a Dok Alternatibo Herbal Medicine Clinic branch.

Sources of Iodine
Sea Foods     :   Sea vegetables, kelp, saltwater fish, oyster, shellfish, shrimp and sea salt.
Poultry         :   Egg, Turkey breast, milk
Veggies        :   Asparagus, radish, mushrooms, garlic, onions, eggplant, potatoes, TALBOS NG KAMOTE
Others          :   Parsley, passionflower and sarsaparilla, apple cider vinegar,

Causes of Deficiency
Eating excessive amounts of cabbage, nuts, dietary fat or unsaturated oleic acid can deplete iodine levels in the body.

Signs of Deficiency
Lack of energy, irritability, nervousness, slow pulse, dry hair, abnormal fat deposits, breast cancer, goiter, hardening of the arteries, high cholesterol, anemia, mental retardation and cold hands and feet.

Do not take if you have elevated serum potassium, myotonia, Consult a doctor if you have hyperthyroidism, kidney disease, amiloride, antithyroid medication, lithium, spironolactone or triamterene.

Too much iodine during the pregnancy, may cause the baby to suffer from a thyroid enlargement, hypothyroidism,dwarfism and mental deficiency).

Avoid supplements of iodine when breastfeeding.  Iodine in milk can cause skin rashes, abnormality of thyroid function in your baby.

My sources are:;;

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


After a long night of confession and forgiveness I thought my wife and I could easily move on but the events that followed our reconciliation became almost unbearable.  My infidelity and betrayal were inviting problems bigger than we could handle.   I resigned my job and lost many chances of quality time with my wife and kids.  After almost one and a half decades of exile, I saved my marriage and kept my family intact. 

When a Catholic priest does a merry-go-round the odds become different.  Because he is a public figure his infidelity and betrayal,  could wreak a faithful Parish especially if one or two of his kind would mount a cover-up story for a crime beyond the courts of man.  Yet very much unlike the laity, a Catholic priest may opt for solutions.  He could apply for a special compensation from Rome, leave his office and marry the girl of his dream.  He could jump into the other Group that allows ministers to raise a family. 

But in the spirit of truth, forgiveness and reconciliation the best option for him would be to stay put and confess, accept any sanction, ask for re-assignment and cease being a pain in the ass forever.  If the charges aren’t true, he may just have to continue his office and let God unburden his spirit.

For what have been said and printed, Minglanillians may need something enlightening and convincing to welcome the New Year not just lip service or recycled discourses.  But everybody should exercise caution, not breed commotion.

It is unjust to punish someone for a crime already paid for.  It is alright if he made a ditto.  It was a false charge that brought Jesus to the Cross.  Martyrs die because of false   testimonies.  Would you like to cast the first stone?

Minglanilla needs this prayer.  Merry Christmas:

Dear God You are merciful and just and You don’t fail to punish the wicked and save the just.  Please heal us of our doubts and anger.  Console us to be always united to You, in Mary's care.  Make our ministers obedient, trustworthy and loyal to their vows, especially caring for us in Jesus' name.   Mother Mary Immaculate, pray for us.  Amen.

Monday, December 19, 2011


Nutrition Myth:   The yolk of a large egg has 5g of FAT and with its dietary cholesterol it is one of the causes of heart disease.

Cholesterol has two types namely:  dietary and serum or blood cholesterol.  Both are important to the body in maintaining the cell walls, producing Vitamin D, and insulating the nerve fibers.

While dietary cholesterol is found in meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, and dairy products, serum cholesterol is produced in the liver and floats around the bloodstream.  Serum cholesterol is divided into two sub-categories:  HDL or high-density lipoprotein and LDL or low-density lipoprotein.

LDL serum cholesterol is considered bad because it sticks to artery walls and too much of it in the body causes heart problems.   Recent studies have shown that food rich in dietary cholesterol doesn’t increase serum cholesterol levels.  Such was the result of a statistical analysis conducted over 25 years by Dr. Wanda Howell and colleagues at the University of Arizona.  The study revealed that people who eat 2 eggs a day with low-fat diets do not show signs of increased serum cholesterol levels.

So how is cholesterol raised in the body?  Of the 3 known types of fat - saturated, mono-unsaturated and polyunsaturated - SATURATED FAT raises serum cholesterol and LDL levels.  

ERGO!  Fresh eggs (especially Itlog Bisaya) which contain mostly polyunsaturated fat (@ 0.72:1 USDA Data), and low in saturated fat (1.2-2 grams) can actually LOWER blood cholesterol (if one replaces food containing saturated fat with it).

The Nutrients found in eggs provide the following health benefits (
-Choline            :  Assists in brain development, function and memory
-Folate              :  Helps produce and maintain new cells, especially red blood cells
-Iron                  :  Carries oxygen to the cells and keeps blood healthy
-Lutein and Zeaxanthin:  Help maintain good vision and reduce the risk of developing cataracts; help protect eyes against harmful UV rays
-Niacin              :  Promotes normal nerve function and helps release energy
-Omega-3 fats   :  Improve blood cholesterol and reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease
-Protein             :  Helps keep a body strong and healthy
-Riboflavin         :  Helps keep body tissues healthy
-Vitamin A         :  Protects against some cancers and may slow the aging process
-Vitamin B12      :  Helps protect against heart disease
-Vitamin D         :  Helps keep bones healthy and teeth strong
-Vitamin E         :  Acts as an antioxidant that protects cells against some cancers
-Zinc                 :  Helps maintain a strong immune system

Doctors and Dieticians in the UK are saying that Eggs are a good choice as part of a healthy balanced diet.  If we are told to watch out for cholesterol levels, we only need to cut down on saturated fats.  And if we are on a healthy balanced diet, we just have to cut down on eggs say from 3 or 2 a day if we consume eggs at 6 a day (some sources indicate that a large size egg has only 1.5g saturated fat).

It is best to eat 3 to 6 itlog bisaya (eggs produced by naturally grown local chickens in the Philippines) a day with Camote (sweet potatoe), kulo (bread fruit), kamoteng kahoy (cassava), gabi (taro), ube (purple yam), etc.   Rice, white bread, iodized salt, manufactured vinegar, anything with MSG and soft drinks MUST be avoided.  To make food tasteful, herbal appetizers like herbal vinegar composition, rock salt, along with other herbal compositions, are available at a Dok Alternatibo Herbal Medicine Clinic and Wellness Center in the Philippines.  There is one clinic in Cebu just across the U.S.C. Gymnasium at Sanciangko Street.  WELCOME!

(Note:  Dok Alternatibo has nothing to do with this write-up)

Sunday, November 20, 2011


We will surely die.
But are too occupied to give it a thought.
That even in dying,
We pray for death to go away.

We abhor disease, war, and violence because they bring death
We detest suicide because it violates our desire to live.
But we love making money harming ourselves,
Kill our kind.

We uproot trees to build our cities
Relocate mountains, destroy our seas.
We pump our waste to rivers
And gas to the air.

We grow our grains and veggies fast
Our meat and poultry superfast
All these for profit and convenience
For a shorter life and sure death.

P.S.:  Do you like to age faster or die even faster?  You can eat more --

-Pastries, donuts and toaster cakes.  They are a combo of white flour sugar and fat.
-Hot dogs look like protein but are actually 80% fat.  Fatty meats lead to diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.
-There's a lot of white refined flour, fat meats, and cheese in Pizzas that clog the arteries.
-A medium bucket of (movies) Popcorn has more calories and fat than 3 fast-food burgers.
Or --  Go for  thin-crust pizzas, make your own pope corn, eat more fiber-rich veggies, and fresh fruits to live a little longer.  And be serious on your detox plan.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Detoxification (detox for short) is the medicinal removal of toxic (poisonous) substances from a living organism including the human body.

Why Detox?
There are toxins in the food that we eat to make us sick forever without cure.  

“Processed foods have, indeed, been implicated in a host of chronic diseases and health conditions that are currently plaguing the nation. What follows is just a taste of the risks processed foods may present to your health.

The fact that these foods are so readily available, and, often, of such poor quality, has led some, like associate professor of pediatrics at Harvard David Ludwig, to say that they're actually discouraging healthy eating and leading to a toxic environment

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) maintains a list of over 3,000 chemicals that are added to the processed food supply. These compounds do various things to food: add color, stabilize, texturize, preserve, sweeten, thicken, add flavor, soften, emulsify and more.

The World Health Organization (WHO) says processed foods are to blame for the sharp rise in obesity (and chronic disease) seen around the world.”  (

And These Diseases Are
Bladder stone, Cancer, Diabetes, Heart diseases, Hepatitis, Gall bladder stone, Kidney stone, Obesity, Stroke and many more.


Detoxification by Activated

The Charcoal Powder Therapy
-         not an antibiotic nor a cure for all
-         but may be taken as a first step to remove causes of diseases
-         70% of diseases is caused by things which enters the mouth meat, cigarette, liquor, processed foods, synthetic medicines, even the air we breathe
-         cleansing by charcoal is ideal as prevention of chronic diseases or even cure of same
-         see a physician if abdominal pain or swelling occurs as this could be a sign of intestinal blockage.

What is Activated Charcoal
Activated charcoal is commonly used in alternative and mainstream medicine.  The charcoal is placed in a tank and is treated 600 to 900 degrees C without any air, and then infused with nitrogen and argon. The material is then exposed to steam and oxygen at temperatures that ranges from 650 to 1200 degrees C.

Home-made heated charcoal is not recommended for internal use.  However it is a good material for making a charcoal powder poultice which is to be applied to an infected area (joints, neck, abdomen, back, etc.).

Early Uses Of Charcoal
By Richard C. Kaufman, Ph.D.
“The medical uses for charcoal date back to the Egyptian Papyrus of 1550 B.C. During the time of Hippocrates (400 B.C.) physicians treated epilepsy and anthrax with charcoal. In the 1700s charcoal was often prescribed for bilious problems (excessive bile excretion). After the development of the charcoal activation process (1870 to 1920), many reports appeared in medical journals about activated charcoal as an antidote for poisons and a cure for intestinal disorders.

Contemporary Charcoal Use
Modern research has validated most of the early uses for charcoal and discovered exciting new applications ....  for activated charcoal:

Universal antidote for drugs, chemicals and poisons*.
Systemic clearance of drugs and intoxicants.
General detoxification.
Anti-aging and life extension.
Reducing cholesterol, coronary disease and arteriosclerosis.
Counteracting pathogens.
Intestinal complaints.
Antidote For Drugs, Chemicals and Poisons

*60 grams of activated charcoal as a counterpoison taken within 30 minutes of ingesting the poison.

General Detoxification
Very few health practitioners realize that activated charcoal is the best single supplement for enhancing detoxification. Detoxification is an on-going biological process that prevents toxins (from infectious agents, food, air, water, and substances that contact the skin) from destroying health. Chronic exposure to toxins produces cellular damage, diverse diseases, allergic like reactions, compromised immunity and premature aging.

Whether it be a colon cleanse, liver cleanse, kidney cleanse, for full body cleansing, or poison detox, activated charcoal will, to a greater or lesser degree, be beneficial and should be included in any natural cleansing or detox program. (

A recommended Adult DETOX protocol for anti-aging/life extension benefits :

Use activated charcoal on 2 consecutive days each week.  Put 2 heaping  tablespoon activated charcoal powder in a tight lid container (say a Gatorade bottle) filled with 300 ml water.  Shake well, drink, and follow-up with a glass of water. Take the drink 1.5 to 2 hours before each meal; wait about the same time before taking your medicines or your food supplements.

(1 tbsp activated charcoal which weighs about 5grams is equivalent to 4 capsules or 8 tablets activated charcoal)

Avoid excessive calories or processed foods on these 2 days. Continue the detox for 3 months, REPEATING IT AFTER A MONTH’S BREAK.

To neutralize toxic substances in the environment, PLAIN charcoal cubes maybe hanged in nets at conspicuous places.  Powdered plain charcoal maybe used for poultice for cuts, burns, and simple ailments.

Charcoal Is Safe
For contaminated water charcoal adsorbs diphtheria, tetanus, dysentery and many other bacteria that cause human health problems. Charcoal is used in many kinds of water filters to purify drinking water. It adsorbs chlorine, and many other harmful chemicals. There is nothing better than charcoal.
Activated charcoal has a natural tendency to cause constipation. That can be counteracted by taking a mild herbal laxative with the activated charcoal or eat ripe papaya for 3 days. Finally activated charcoal harmlessly blackens your stools. Although black-gray stools look strange, they can be used to calculate your bowel transit time. Just measure the length of time from taking activated charcoal to the appearance of darkened stools.

Activated charcoal not only neutralizes drugs in the stomach, small intestines, and colon, but can also attract drugs from the blood circulation in the area of the gastrointestinal tract and inactivate these poisons. This is called “gastrointestinal dialysis.”

In hospitals, Charcoal is used when the Optimum Time For Oral Administration Has Been Missed?
There is a method called HEMOPERFUSION, only done at hospitals and clinics that do DIALYSIS, where the patient’s blood is run over granular charcoal to purify it, and then the blood is put back into the patient.

“Pharmacist P.F. Touery, shocked colleagues at The French Academy of Medicine in 1831 by drinking a massive dose of lethal strychnine in front of them. Amazingly, he suffered no toxic effects. He had combined the deadly poison with activated charcoal, an antidote and detoxifying agent that goes back centuries.”

Dr. Al Sears, MD, has his patients use it for detoxing even heavy metals, and he uses it himself. For heavy metal detoxifying, he recommends a total of 20 grams per day, spaced apart in two to four doses, over a 12 day period.”

“Activated Charcoal for Mercury Detox
Once the charcoal is activated, it can be used to help detoxify the body. Activated charcoal is not something the body will digest, and the charcoal is also not absorbed by the body through natural digestive properties. It is not possible to overdose on activated charcoal when it is consumed. For children, the appropriate dosage is roughly 25 to 50g. Meanwhile, the appropriate dosage for adults is commonly assessed based on a person's body weight. In general, a single gram is offered for every kilogram of a person's body weight. Activated charcoal can be consumed as tablets: a single 280mg tablet can be consumed daily after eating a meal to help remove mercury accumulations from the body.”

The King of Israel Hezekiah got sick and was dying.  He beg Yahweh to cure him and was heard.  The God of Healing added 15 more years to his life.  In Chapter 38:21, we read:  'Bring a fig poultice,' Isaiah said, 'apply it to the ulcer and he will recover.'     

Charcoal Drink and Poultice are prescribed for diseases and ailments.  Activated Charcoal Powder is available at Vicente Sotto Hospital and Miller Sanitarium and Hospital in Cebu Philippines. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


The dominion and power of Almighty God can be told in many languages apart from our own.  This is why I pray the OUR FATHER also in Aramaic, Latin, and Spanish.

The languages of today should evolve from those introduced by God to humanity in the first miracle of tongues at Babel.   The miracle was for three purposes:  1)  to underscore the vanity of ambition,  and  2)  to repopulate the other regions of the Earth, and  3)  to unite them for the Glory of God.

The same miracle was repeated in Jerusalem at the Feast of Shavuot (or Jewish Pentecost) as the Holy Apostles assembled for the feast in the Upper Room.  Acts 2 described the descent of the Holy Spirit on each of them in the form of Tongues of Fire, a phenomenon not mentioned in Genesis 11.  At Babel, the Lord God simply said:  ”Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other”.   And the people began talking nonsense to one another, as the new languages were acquired by them that became their own.   Learning the new languages was instantaneous thus miraculous.

At Pentecost, the Holy Apostles were heard preaching in languages not their own.  These new tongues include the regional languages of Iberia, Turkey, Persia, Rome, Africa, Arabia and India where the Holy Apostles were reported to have preached the Gospel of Jesus.  Yet it was also probable that they too learned other languages as purported by claims that Peter and Paul made it to Britain, Andrew to Scotland, James son of Alpheus to Ireland, and John to the Gauls.

These miracles were enshrined in many Christian Hymns and Prayers such as this one:

When the Most High came down and
Confounded tongues of men at Babel,
He divided the nations.
When He dispensed the tongues of fire,
He called all to unity;
And with one voice
We glorify the Most Holy Spirit

Are the miracles at Babel and on Pentecost the same or equal to the “speaking in tongues” of the Charismatic Movement?  It is not.

The so-called speaking in other tongues are utterances of strange words that disappears as the session is ended and are generally incomprehensible to the attendees without the translator.

We are created with a divine spark and endowed with intelligence to fulfill our destinies.  We convey ourselves by intelligently speeches which are understandable and learnable.  We need not go into a trance to acquire new tongues but we go to school which is the intelligent way to acquire them. Falling into a trance could be dangerous because there are situations wherein demons could join in and control us to blaspheme.

Cases of  demonic possessions have been reported while trancing and this account is one of those:

On this question of speaking in tongues, I was told many years ago of someone who was at a charismatic meeting and they had a session of speaking in tongues. Some people stood up and began making strange, almost animal-like noises, like barking. Then one person stood up and began speaking in an unknown language. Then another stood up and shouted out: ‘Stop him, he’s blaspheming the Mother of God’. Apparently, the man who had interrupted had worked as a scientist in South America and had recognized the language the other person had spoken in as an Amazonian native language. Indeed, the person speaking it had been blaspheming the Mother of God.” (Quoted verbatim from Orthodox Sources)

Charismatic leaders have gone too far in their trade.   In a Charismatic Conference in June 1997, Kevin Ranaghan, a Catholic Charismatic pioneer told 7,500 Catholics that “barking like dogs and oinking like pigs is a true manifestation of the Holy Spirit.”  

Before Kevin’s time, the former Bishop of Manchester Msgr. Ronald Knox said:   "TO SPEAK IN TONGUES YOU HAD NEVER LEARNED WAS, AND IS, A RECOGNIZED SYMPTOM IN ALLEGED CASES OF DIABOLIC POSSESSION." Msgr. Knox was ordained in the Church of England before he became a Roman Catholic priest two years later.  

Reports on dangers of the Charismatic Movement abound worldwide among Christians and Catholics alike.  Noted pastor Shane Montgomery had this to say:

“The Bible even warns against the common practice of "praying in tongues" because the understanding is not there (see I Corinthians 14:14-15).  We must agree with Paul when he said, "in the church I had rather speak five words with my understanding, that by my voice I might teach others also, than ten thousand words in an unknown tongue", I Corinthians 14:19.  This "speaking in tongues" movement is being used by Satan to unite non-Biblical churches, even churches that do not preach the gospel.  Beware!”

Speaking of tongues in the case of the Holy Apostles was a gift from God, then a necessity of the early Church.   This is no longer true today so that   missionaries have to spend time learning new languages so they can continue on preaching the Gospel.  Amen.

Friday, September 30, 2011

My Faith’s Journey

The following is the first part of my unsolicited testimony.  The second part is not as yet thought of since it would depend on how much a CLS would affect me further  -  if such a CLS is possible at all.  As of this time, I am attending regular meetings with a group of evangelizing Christians somewhere in Cebu City.

-Today* is only my 2nd time with you in this hallowed hall.  I feel unworthy to share with you the shaded part of my life in faith.  Crime does not pay and Judas could not have done it all alone.  He needed honchos to deliver Jesus to the Sanhedrin.  This explains why you are there sitting down with them and I am here standing under machinegun fire  – Magandang araw po sa inyong lahat!

-I was born a catholic; raised up a catholic; educated in catholic schools.  Married in a catholic church; my uncle priest officiated the ceremony and my lolo priest provided the calf to slaughter.  At 19, I was employed in a ‘catholic’ company San Miguel where I had the honor of 3 promotions in a span of 14 years.  In June 1986, before my 38th birthday, I embraced Islam in Riyadh Saudi Arabia.  BIG DEAL!

-Bakit nga umalis ako sa SM sa pagkakataong naging isang department head na ako?  Why must I leave my teacher wife, my 3 children of 10, 5 and 1.5 years?   Ano ho ba ang nangyari?  Ako po bay isang mamamatay tao o isang biktima lamang?

-The Lord God is my witness ….. for now I can only say I had to do that suicidal and irresponsible act to avert a tragic end of my family life and employment career.
-My rendezvous with Islam started in Christmas of 1973 when I picked up a woman’s magazine from a pile of thrash.  One of the remaining pages was a feature story of the Blessed Virgin Mary at the time of her pregnancy according to Islamic tradition.  This coincided with the family searching for a name of my firstborn son.  So I named my son Imran which by Islamic tradition comes from the family line of Amram, who included Imran, St. Anne, Mary, and Jesus.  With nothing more to read, I simply assigned the magazine to kitchen duty.

-When our OFW batch arrived Riyadh in August 1984, it became inevitable for me to go through a handful of Islamic literatures provided to us by hospital staff where I worked.  My interest in Islam came back but for no special reason, only to know more of Dar-ul Islam.   It was a slow and cautious study of Islamic history, morals, and teachings.  Each time when doubts pile up and questions are unanswered, I just ditched the books away and continue on my Catholic routines.   But every time I quit, unsolicited answers from Muslims especially from Egypt, Palestine, Sudan, and mga igso sa Mindanao fell like manna from Heaven.  Additional literatures just came without notice and without me asking for them.

-At one time a Greek Orthodox Christian asked me:  Roy, why did you deny our Lord Jesus Christ?  But when I smiled at her, she said:  Ahh, never mind.  She was a co-worker who took me as a family friend.  Muslims too do not engage non-Muslims into a debate.  They just deliver the message without force and intimidation the best way they can.  Islam (like Judaism) advocates no compulsion in religion.  Past wholesale conversions were possible after every conquest.    Mine was voluntary, free of hatred and scorn, with Deut. 6:4 nailed to my heart:  YHWH/Adonai Eloheinu YHWH/Adonai Echad  (The Lord our God is One Lord) – the  La illaha ilalah in Arabic. 

-Not all truths are written in the Bible, the book itself says so.   We find them in other scriptures (the Vedas, Avesta, Quran) and in the books dealing with archeology, biology, physics, and engineering – to name a few.

-There is no baptism or re-baptism in Islam, no confession nor communion, no priests  – only prayer and worship to only One Entity - God!  A Christian would only have to declare belief in One Deity, in Muhammad, in the life hereafter, in the hellfire, in the Old Testament books, in the Angels, and the punishment in the grave.  A convert is not asked to deny the divinity of Jesus only to believe He is the Messiah, the Son of Mary, a Prophet with a power to perform healing and miracles.  Muslims respect and honor Mary – in fact they do pilgrimage to Fatima and in other places of approved apparitions.  Muslims, Arabic Christians and Catholics in the middle east call God Allah, also Elaha and Alaha.

-When you are drawn to the reality of UNUS DEUS in Islam (or in Judaism), you will find it difficult to let go of the idea of  SINGLENESS in exchange of A MYSTERY still debated up to this day which is the Christian Dogma of 3 divines in One God.  The good news is it is possible, ALTHOUGH THE PROCESS HAS NOT AS YET ENDED IN MY CASE!

-The Religion of Judah is unique from the start.  It teaches that non-Jews (Gentiles), you and me, need not convert to be saved.   It affirms that Gentiles are assured of salvation if they lead a life following the Noahide Commandments or the Oral Torah that says NEVER to Idolatry, Murder, Theft, Sexual immorality, Blasphemy, and eating flesh with blood.  It also requires the establishment of courts of law.  On the other hand, Muslims are urged to invite non-believers and misbelievers to Islam with kindness.  They are commanded to share (even) one Quranic verse in their life time.

-Am still securing my return to Catholicism, cementing where Christianity and Islam meet and reinforcing where they seem to disagree.  By this, I hope to find the EQUALIZER - that as Judaism is for the Israelites, Islam is for the Arabs - the biblical breathren of the Jews; progenies of Abraham through his eldest son Ishmail; that Islam is a different interpretation of the will of God revealed to Muhammad tailored for the inhabitants of Western Arabia

-It is not easy to come back and hold-tight to the mercy of a Faceless God whose features are brazenly sketched by human hands.  It took me about 3 weeks of daily visits to the Blessed Sacrament before I could finally clip my fingers and direct THIS HAND to make the Signum Crucis AGAIN for the first time in 27 years!

-Lord am still waiting for you and I will wait for you forever…. This is my prayer!

-I am re-reading my Catholic Faith, reviewing the catechism not only of the Catholic Church but also of the Apostolic Orthodox Churches* established by Peter, Mark, Bernabe and Thaddeus long before Peter and Paul arrived in Imperial Rome.  Members of these churches are, in fact, our real brothers and sisters in faith, partakers of the body and blood of Christ!

-I had my confession about April this year with a Redemptorist confessor.  As I was saying:  Forgive me father for I have sinned and this is my first confession in 27 years and that I am a Muslim, I thought he would jump off and ran away.  But he was kind and re-assuring.

-Last July, I answered the invitation Dali pamahaw na kamo*.   And NOW is my 6th breakfast* with Jesus and you, thanks to my conspiring friends Vic Mancelita and Felix Ayaay.

-Insha-Allah, God-Willing, I may find in this group the final puzzle piece of my trip back to the saving arms of Jesus.

*Assumed date Oct. 8
*Antioch, Jerusalem, Egypt, and Armenia
*(Juan 21:12). 
*Assumed date Oct. 8

Sunday, August 21, 2011


“At the end of the winter of 1996, something historic occurred. During that February in India, the First World Conference on Urine Therapy took place. Scholars around the world gathered together to discuss the age-old practice of "urine therapy." Although urine therapy had been around for thousands of years, it had fallen into obscurity over the last century. Now, urine therapy was officially back in business. So what exactly was this alternative practice that dealt with one’s own bodily fluid? And how does it help? What are the claims of effectiveness? What does the scientific and medical world have to say about it? How does it work? Does it work? These, were the questions that demanded discussion.”  (source:

Eating  tong zi dan  (Boy Egg) is a fashion in Dongyang China.  It is prepared almost like balut  in the Philippines but the raw eggs in Dongyang are boiled in urine collected from pre-puberty aged boys in the elementary grades.   

Urine which is a by-product of blood filtration is sterile and normally non-toxic.   It is purer than distilled water and contains thousands of compounds, vitamins, and nutrients which are excreted by the body as excess, not wastes.  It is antibacterial, antiviral, anticonvulsive, and anti-cancer.    

Urine therapy has been catalogued in ancient medical journals of Egypt, China, and India, and the Aztecs of the Americas.   ‘According to the French chemist Fourcroy, "urine of man has furnished the most singular discoveries of chemistry and self healing in modern medicine and pharmacology".’

‘The list of diseases for which urine therapy is said to be effective is around 175 known diseases’  -   from canker sore, to allergies, to cancer, to kidney and heart diseases, to viral infections, AIDS/STD. to skin rejuvenation and fertility.  The pharmaceutical company Serono has been extracting ovulation-enhancing hormone from urine for its top line fertility drug  Pergonal  which is earning millions for the company since 1994.  Pergonal hit the market first followed by other brands like Repronex,  Bravelle, Menopur, Gonal-F, Follistim, and Premarin or the pregnant mare urine.

What happens when you consume your own Urine?
Toxins found in urine are not enough to harm the body.  Taken in, urine doesn’t go directly into the blood stream but follows the system of digestion/ingestion wherein useful ingredients circulates the body and the toxins are flushed out.  Being a ‘by product of blood it becomes more purified as it is recycled’,  therefore,the cleaner the blood the cleaner is the urine.’

Pre-Therapy Information
Morning urine is the best.  A diet low in salt and protein is recommended and eating lots of fresh fruits and veggies make urine smells healthier and tastes milder.  Strong herbs and spices make urine smells strong.  When the body is sick, it looks awful and taste bad.

Urine therapy is beneficial if the diet contains no alcohol, tobacco products, coffee, and junk foods.  If you can’t live without meat, try limiting your choice to fish and fowl, free of hormones.  Avoid processed and radiated foods, foods with refined flour products, white sugar, white rice, and also foods with colorings and flavor enhancers to lessen acidity in the body.   

Gargling undiluted mid-stream urine fights gum problems or other month and tongue disorders.  Toothaches disappear quickly and teeth stay healthy.

Give at least 2 days break after stopping medication from treatment before commencing a Urine therapy.  In case there is swelling of tissues of the legs, abdomens, hands, with water, one should consult first an experienced urine therapist or a doctor before starting a urine therapy.   It is advisable to refer first to an experienced therapist when doing urine therapy for kidney, bladder, and urethra infections.  Urine with pus should be discarded.

The Homoeopathic Urine
A final possibility is to use urine in homoeopathic form. The simplest way to prepare it is as follows:

To one teaspoon of non-chlorinated water add one drop of fresh urine. Shake it vigorously in a small bottle about 50 times with a sharp downward stroke. One drop of this mixture is then added to another teaspoon of water, shaken again and then the whole procedure repeated a third time. Place 3 drops under the tongue several times daily. When it is used up, wait a few days and then prepare a new homoeopathic remedy.

An alternative method is even simpler and recommended as an introduction to urine therapy and at times when cupfuls of urine are not tolerated.

To 1 tablespoon of morning urine add 4 or 9 tablespoons of non-chlorinated water. Shake 50 times with a sharp downward stroke, and take a spoonful several times during the day; keep in the mouth for a minute before swallowing.

Martin Lara ( developed a ‘universal remedy’ supposedly effective against all microbes. Dilute 2 drops of urine with 1 tablespoon of non-chlorinated water. During an infection keep one drop of this under the tongue every 2 hours.

Homoeopathically energised remedies should not be exposed to strong magnetic or electromagnetic fields. Keep this urine remedy only lightly covered in a cool place but not in an electric refrigerator, and make up fresh daily.

Urine Therapy - It has cured people
A woman spent 30 years of her life suffering from a variety of illnesses including years of almost non-stop illness. She had pelvic inflammatory disease, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, Hashimoto's disease, mononucleosis. She had severe chronic kidney infections, two miscarriages, chronic cystitis, severe candida, and endometriosis. No doctor could cure her, surgeries did not heal her. She was doomed to live a life filled with suffering. Now, because of urine, she lives a rich and full life and is disease free. Her name is Martha Christy and after she recovered she wrote a book called, "Your own Perfect Medicine"

John Armstrong had an "incurable" case of tuberculosis, which he cured by fasting on water and urine for 45 days. He wrote a book called "The Water of Life" He supposedly cured 1000's of others using the same method.

What I can tell you for sure about urine therapy is it has powerful healing properties. It also may not work in some cases, but I feel confident that many issue's can be healed through urine.

There are two main ways to take your urine.

Caution: If you're taking antibiotics or not, it is up to you to judge whether either urine treatment is safe or not, I honestly do not know. And remember the wise saying, "The worse it tastes... The better it is for you." Cheers!

The Universal Remedy is an autotherapuetic homeopathic mixture.
  1. In a small bottle with a dropper mix and shake well:
  2. Two drops of urine and one tablespoon of water
  3. Take at least every two hours, for at least 48 hours. Except when your sleeping.

The Gulp it down technique involves drinking as much urine as you like.
  1. Take it from the middle of the stream
  2. flavor with your favorite fruit juice, or have it plain.

It is better to be a urinolic than alcoholic.  Happy drinking your Urine!


Catholic Philippines will have its new Mass Missal in December 2012.  The missal the 3rd Revision of the Liturgy by Vatican II is undergoing translations into world languages base on the Latin text.  Among the first users of the New Missal are the parishes of the United States starting the 1st Sunday of Advent in November this year. 

There are changes in the new Missal just as there are rediscoveries on it too.  It is noted that a good number of new texts are actually extant text from older editions of the St. Joseph’s Daily Missal of 1959.  A good example on this is the Latin phrase et cum Spiritu Tuo, which is rendered more accurately now as:  “And in your Spirit.”  The restored phrase replaces:  “And also with you.” 

In the Consecration, the word cup in the “… cup of my blood…”  is thrown out  and replaced with the word chalice to conform to the Latin calix.   It now reads “…the chalice of my blood…”  which is accurately rendered into vernacular Cebuano:   “… ang kalis sa akong dugo…”

Will the Cebuano translators re-affirm the present phrase  “Ma-anaa usab Kanimo”  for the Latin et cum Spiritu Tuo?   Or will they render it literally this time as:  “Ug diha sa imong Espiritu?”   

Many new prayers make up the 3rd revision with assurances that they accurately express the truth about God, the World, and the conditions of humanity today.  Short word changes are also in place to achieve full conformance to "the original form and rite of the Holy Fathers."  

The current phrase:  “One in being with the Father”  in the Nicene Creed for the Latin consubstantialem Patri appears differently in the new missal.  It now reads:  “consubstantial with the Father” which is a little awkward.  The translators say that the word is the product of long and difficult years of debates and martyrdom in the Church:

“…….consubstantial, is crucial to helping us understand the relationship between the Father and the Son. If the word causes some head scratching, that’s OK, as long as that head scratching leads to people asking what the word means and why it’s important.” – Paprocki, Loyola Press

Filipino Liturgist Fr. Anscar Chupungco, OSB, says:  Comprehension of the meaning of liturgical prayers and other formulas is necessary for active participation as desired by the Second Vatican Council.”   He is calling for a country-wide re-education of Catholics in the parishes into the meaning and spirit of the new translation to deepen personal attachment to the Mass.  

Scriptural passages are copied verbatim in the 3rd revision, in chunks or by pairs like this passage in Luke 2:14 of the Gloria:  “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to people  of good will…“  

The older translation in the Agnus Dei:  “Behold the Lamb of God, behold him who takes away the sins of the world….”  is now back, paired with words taken from Revelation 19:9  “Blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb…”.

And Praise God, the undying words of the Centurion in Matthew 8:7-9 is in the missal again:  “Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.”

Finally, the announcement of the Pater Noster gets a facelift with new words:  “At the Savior’s command and formed by divine teaching, we dare to say:  ‘Our Father ….etc..’”  

These are just few of the many gems of the revised Roman Missal which is reformed and rediscovered by Vatican II.  It is true God can change His Mind yet He remains the same.  The paramount question remains:  Are we still celebrating the same Holy Mass of the martyrs and the saints?  

I still love the solemnity of the Tridentine Latin Mass.  ”Ite, Missa est.   Deo gratias.”