Catholic Philippines will have its new Mass Missal in December 2012. The missal the 3rd Revision of the Liturgy by Vatican II is undergoing translations into world languages base on the Latin text. Among the first users of the New Missal are the parishes of the United States starting the 1st Sunday of Advent in November this year.
There are changes in the new Missal just as there are rediscoveries on it too. It is noted that a good number of new texts are actually extant text from older editions of the St. Joseph ’s Daily Missal of 1959. A good example on this is the Latin phrase et cum Spiritu Tuo, which is rendered more accurately now as: “And in your Spirit.” The restored phrase replaces: “And also with you.”
In the Consecration, the word cup in the “… cup of my blood…” is thrown out and replaced with the word chalice to conform to the Latin calix. It now reads “…the chalice of my blood…” which is accurately rendered into vernacular Cebuano: “… ang kalis sa akong dugo…”
Will the Cebuano translators re-affirm the present phrase “Ma-anaa usab Kanimo” for the Latin et cum Spiritu Tuo? Or will they render it literally this time as: “Ug diha sa imong Espiritu?”
Many new prayers make up the 3rd revision with assurances that they accurately express the truth about God, the World, and the conditions of humanity today. Short word changes are also in place to achieve full conformance to "the original form and rite of the Holy Fathers."
The current phrase: “One in being with the Father” in the Nicene Creed for the Latin consubstantialem Patri appears differently in the new missal. It now reads: “consubstantial with the Father” which is a little awkward. The translators say that the word is the product of long and difficult years of debates and martyrdom in the Church:
“…….consubstantial, is crucial to helping us understand the relationship between the Father and the Son. If the word causes some head scratching, that’s OK, as long as that head scratching leads to people asking what the word means and why it’s important.” – Paprocki, Loyola Press
Filipino Liturgist Fr. Anscar Chupungco, OSB, says: Comprehension of the meaning of liturgical prayers and other formulas is necessary for active participation as desired by the Second Vatican Council.” He is calling for a country-wide re-education of Catholics in the parishes into the meaning and spirit of the new translation to deepen personal attachment to the Mass.
Scriptural passages are copied verbatim in the 3rd revision, in chunks or by pairs like this passage in Luke 2:14 of the Gloria: “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to people of good will…“
The older translation in the Agnus Dei: “Behold the Lamb of God, behold him who takes away the sins of the world….” is now back, paired with words taken from Revelation 19:9 “Blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb…”.
And Praise God, the undying words of the Centurion in Matthew 8:7-9 is in the missal again: “Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.”
Finally, the announcement of the Pater Noster gets a facelift with new words: “At the Savior’s command and formed by divine teaching, we dare to say: ‘Our Father ….etc..’”
These are just few of the many gems of the revised Roman Missal which is reformed and rediscovered by Vatican II. It is true God can change His Mind yet He remains the same. The paramount question remains: Are we still celebrating the same Holy Mass of the martyrs and the saints?
I still love the solemnity of the Tridentine Latin Mass. ”Ite, Missa est. Deo gratias.”
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