Nutrition Myth: The yolk of a large egg has 5g of FAT and with its dietary cholesterol it is one of the causes of heart disease.
Cholesterol has two types namely: dietary and serum or blood cholesterol. Both are important to the body in maintaining the cell walls, producing Vitamin D, and insulating the nerve fibers.
While dietary cholesterol is found in meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, and dairy products, serum cholesterol is produced in the liver and floats around the bloodstream. Serum cholesterol is divided into two sub-categories: HDL or high-density lipoprotein and LDL or low-density lipoprotein.
LDL serum cholesterol is considered bad because it sticks to artery walls and too much of it in the body causes heart problems. Recent studies have shown that food rich in dietary cholesterol doesn’t increase serum cholesterol levels. Such was the result of a statistical analysis conducted over 25 years by Dr. Wanda Howell and colleagues at the University of Arizona . The study revealed that people who eat 2 eggs a day with low-fat diets do not show signs of increased serum cholesterol levels.
So how is cholesterol raised in the body? Of the 3 known types of fat - saturated, mono-unsaturated and polyunsaturated - SATURATED FAT raises serum cholesterol and LDL levels.
ERGO! Fresh eggs (especially Itlog Bisaya) which contain mostly polyunsaturated fat (@ 0.72:1 USDA Data), and low in saturated fat (1.2-2 grams) can actually LOWER blood cholesterol (if one replaces food containing saturated fat with it).
The Nutrients found in eggs provide the following health benefits (
-Choline : Assists in brain development, function and memory
-Folate : Helps produce and maintain new cells, especially red blood cells
-Iron : Carries oxygen to the cells and keeps blood healthy
-Lutein and Zeaxanthin: Help maintain good vision and reduce the risk of developing cataracts; help protect eyes against harmful UV rays
-Niacin : Promotes normal nerve function and helps release energy
-Omega-3 fats : Improve blood cholesterol and reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease
-Protein : Helps keep a body strong and healthy
-Riboflavin : Helps keep body tissues healthy
-Vitamin A : Protects against some cancers and may slow the aging process
-Vitamin B12 : Helps protect against heart disease
-Vitamin D : Helps keep bones healthy and teeth strong
-Vitamin E : Acts as an antioxidant that protects cells against some cancers
-Zinc : Helps maintain a strong immune system
Doctors and Dieticians in the
It is best to eat 3 to 6 itlog bisaya (eggs produced by naturally grown local chickens in the Philippines ) a day with Camote (sweet potatoe), kulo (bread fruit), kamoteng kahoy (cassava), gabi (taro), ube (purple yam), etc. Rice, white bread, iodized salt, manufactured vinegar, anything with MSG and soft drinks MUST be avoided. To make food tasteful, herbal appetizers like herbal vinegar composition, rock salt, along with other herbal compositions, are available at a Dok Alternatibo Herbal Medicine Clinic and Wellness Center in the Philippines . There is one clinic in Cebu just across the U.S.C. Gymnasium at Sanciangko Street . WELCOME!
(Note: Dok Alternatibo has nothing to do with this write-up)
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